Snook is a bold and creative Ghost theme designed for those who dare to stand out. With its striking design and seamless user experience, Snook helps your blog break away from the ordinary. It challenges the norm, giving you the freedom to express your content with confidence and originality.
General features
Ghost 5.x ready
Fully responsive
Page transition animations (with GSAP)
Smooth scrolling (with Lenis)
Compatible with modern browsers
Regularly updated
Clean layout and professional design
Flexible layout options
Minimal, lightweight and fast
SEO friendly
Extensive documentation
Fast support
Theme pages
Other features
Translation ready (English included)
Custom setting for background color, text color and overlay text color
Content that scales with device width
Scale factor for devices larger than 1920px
Custom setting for primary and secondary fonts (Google Fonts)
Different text styles (Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalize or none)
You can decide to use page load animations
Custom settings for heading font scale and heading font line height scale
Custom setting for smooth scrolling
Custom setting for custom account pages
Custom setting for logo scale
Custom setting for accent logo image
Custom setting for button style on background media (Bracket, Solid, Bracket Desktop/Solid Mobile, None)
Custom setting for Content position on background media (Bottom Left, Center)
Custom setting for Content length on background media (Narrow, Wide, Full Width)
Card image aspect ratios (2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 16/9, 4/3, 3/2, 5/4, 1/1)
You can show or hide excerpt/author bio under cards
Different content types on homepage circles (Testimonials, Tags, None)
Homepage card styles (Creative, Default)
Different Post/Page templates (Right Aligned With Video, Right Aligned, Default, Default With Video)
Post header types (Wide, Wide Centered, Narrow, Narrow Centered, Background Media, Background Media Centered)
You can add all types of social media with icons and link
2 footer types (Normal or Creative)
Publication title, description, icon and logo
Custom navigation menu with animations that supports level 2 links
Default Ghost search
Posts and tags are lazy loaded
Latest posts section on home page
Testimonial section on home page
Custom featured posts on home page
Grid with posts, authors and tags
Posts with truncated excerpt
Newsletter input in the Footer
Social links in footer
Multiple authors with reading time and date
Responsive images (full-width, regular, narrow, image with link, image from Unsplash) with captions
Image gallery
Image zoom in post view
Styled texts: Headings (h1 - h6), bold text, italized text, links
Styled unordered and ordered lists, 2 quote types, responsive tables, custom divider
Custom bookmark, button (CTA), callout, product card, file card, upload card, video card (Youtube, Vimeo, Custom), signup card
Responsive video (full-width, regular or narrow)
Responsive header cards
Supports Spotify, Twitter, Soundcloud and Codepen embeds
Custom Toggle card
Share links on post page (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, URL)
Comments section with custom styles
Custom next or previous post section at the end of post page
Author page with author image, name, bio, location, socials (Facebook, Twitter, personal website) and posts
Membership page with custom heading, tab section for membership tiers (yearly nad monthly)
Custom currencies
Contact page with heading, description and links
Custom FAQ page with toggle cards
Custom signin, signup and subsribe pages
Custom account page with account details
Custom archive page with filtered posts by tag name
Custom all posts page
Custom 404 page with home page link
The Snook theme is licensed for a single-use per purchase. Each theme license allows you to use the theme for one website or web page. If you wish to use the theme for multiple websites or web pages, you will need to purchase additional licenses accordingly. Redistribution, reselling, or sublicensing of the theme is strictly prohibited.